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With ever more prominent worldwide environmental concern, Geovista probes are used to acquire quantifiable measurement data to analyse various environmental problems and challenges. Contamination, monitoring, pollution and stricter regulation are all variables that require data collection. Better understanding of the environmental impact creates the way for improving the environment we live in, allows us to plan remediation and improvement works and always saves money in the long term. 



Geovista is ISO 9001:2015 compliant. All of our equipment is pressure and temperature tested and undergoes a complete QC procedure. 

Borehole geophysical probes | Logging equipment | Geovista | UK


Hydrologists, water authorities, consultancies, universities and service providers use Geovista equipment to evaluate subsurface data, characterise aquifiers, monitor wells and water quality. Additionally well integrity can be evaluated and monitored through camera inspections, surveys, determining cement/grout bond and the mechanical integrity of your wells. 


Field Proven & Reliable

Real Time Data



Ground Water Monitoring

Fluid Sampling

Subsurface Zonal Characterization

Hazardous Waste


Save Time & Money


Borehole Geophysics

Borehole geophysics is a tried and tested, cost effective method to get the data real time and accurately when you need it. 


Logging While Drilling

Measure Gamma, Inclination and Azimuth at the bit, while RC drilling with Xthera Data Systems.  

Common Probes used for Groundwater Applications


  • A range of different Gamma probes including: Natural, Spectral, Filtered & GM probes for different ore objectives.

  • Lithology & Bed Boundaries

  • KUT analysis and ore body identification

  • Geological correlation & fault determination

Impeller Flowmeter Probe

  • Borehole Fluid flow

  • Location of permeable zones in water wells

  • Casing leak detection

Heat Pulse Flowmeter Probe

  • Borehole Fluid flow (for very low vertical flow)

  • Location of permeable zones in water wells

  • Casing leak detection

Water Sampler Probe

  • 1 or 2 litre water sampling at required depth

  • Collect water samples at depth for further analysis

Ultra Slim probes for Geothermal Wells

  • 16mm probes for shallow geothermal wells

  • Density, temperature and trajectory

Compensated Neutron Sonde

  • Quantitative Porosity

  • Lithology Identification & Shale Content

  • Aquifer location & Engineering

  • Contamination

Neutron-Neutron Sonde

  • Qualitative Porosity

  • Lithology Identification

  • Aquifer Quality and Gas zone identification

Resistivity Probe (DLL3 Focused Short, Long and SP)

  • Lithology, Ore body thickness, and source rock identification

  • Bed Boundary and Facies changes

EM Induction Probe

  • Ore Body Identification

  • Hydrocarbon indication and formation water salinity

Caliper Probes (2, 3-arm and 4-arm versions)

  • Structural borehole measurement & Borehole Volume

  • Engineering work and casing evaluation

  • Physical location of washouts, cavings, faults, fractures and changes in borehole dimensions

  • Explains/confirms changes in geophysical logs

Full Wave Form Sonic Probe

  • Cement Bond Log

  • Formation velocity

  • Characterization and Rock Strength

  • Surface seismic correlation

  • Rock strength, elasticity, porosity

Optical and Acoustic Televiewers

  • Deviation

  • Fracture Identification, orientation & structural information

  • Breakout analysis and thin bed detection

  • Bedding dips and lithology analysis

Fluid Temperature & Conductivity Probe

  • Can detect changes in zones with depth

Idronaut Water Quality Probe

  • Measures borehole fluid temperature, pressure, conductivity, pH, dissolved Oxygen

pH Probe

  • Environmental water quality analysis of pH in the borehole fluid

Nitrate Probe

  • Environmental water quality analysis of Nitrate in the borehole fluid

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